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our story


Perfection with a pedigree...


HAYS WORTHINGTON specializes in exceptional fine and estate jewelry. The owners, sisters Claudia Di Fabrizio and Sarah Lee Martin, have a combined experience of over half a century in the jewelry business. They come from a family of jewelers who have been in the business for over three generations. Their extensive travels throughout the world helped them form their appreciation of beauty and fashion.


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Julia Hays Worthington

Julia Hays Worthington

Sarah Lee and Claudia’s shared love for beautifully crafted bespoke fine jewelry brought them together to create Hays Worthington. The company is named after their paternal grandmother, Julia Hays Worthington, a true southern gentlewoman with a fabulous sense of style.

The company’s mission is to provide jewelry that transcends fashion itself in order to help their clients acquire a collection that will bring beauty, joy and elegance for a lifetime and beyond.   



The sister team curates extraordinary pieces of jewelry to create the Hays Worthington Collection. Each design is carefully selected for its beauty, glamour, quality, wearability, and timelessness. A majority of the jewelry that the company offers is one-of-a-kind. The collection is comprised of an exquisite selection of rings, earrings, necklaces, brooches, bracelets, pendants, and accessories from the major periods as early as Georgian (1710-1830s) through Contemporary. In addition to specializing in rare and signed jewelry, Claudia and Sarah Lee have their own Hays Worthington designs that are inspired by the vintage periods they love.